Monday, July 21, 2014

Elevation Shillin Stone Forest; Released vs the Proto version

Happy Sunday folks!  I hope that you've enjoyed your weekend so far and are relaxing some.  I went to a pig roast yeterday that my awesome sister in law hosted.  I have to say that woman is a wonder.  At the end of the night, not only were there smores but she had bought paper laterns to light.  It was an awesomely beautiful sight to behold as they floated away.

Anyway, last Elevation update (the 7th), some of us were initially sent the wrong version of Shillin Stone Forest.  Most received notification of the mistake before they even received their packages.  How is that for being on top of things?  Awesome, unparrelled service is what I say.

Well, now there are some questions on how the two compare.

Well, let's take a look, shall we?

As described by the Elevation Website, Shillin is "light gray (cool) with dark gray flake shimmer and low density holographic pigment".   As you can see, the released version (on the ring and pointer) is right on to the description given.  The proto that was sent in error is definitely of the same gray hue but has a blue shimmer or flake to it instead.  I think there may be some rainbow flake as well?  Mostly I see blue.  The holo is just a bit more prominent I think, only due to the color of the shimmer.

To be honest, I see why Lu intended the one with dark charcoal flakes to be the finished product.  It is definitely more striking and while the holo is present, it boosts the flakes and creates cohesion within the color, in my opinion.  What do you think?  I'm glad I have both but I'd have been happy with just he released version as well.

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1 comment:

  1. Of course it is wonderful to have both, but her final version is superb and everyone will love it!!
    Thanks for an awesome comparison, greatly appreciated!! :)
